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Register NOW for April 6, 2023 - June 16, 2023
DEADLINE to Register is April 15, 2023


About us

At Ontario Online High School, we believe that every learner is unique, and we strive to develop a learning environment where we respect and recognize this core belief.

We strive to create engaging and relevant learning environments where our students see the purpose of receiving an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and the relevance of it for their future. Our students are required to be in school until the age of 18 and we develop for them a learning environment that is conducive to this growth and evelopment. In alignment with Ontario’s promise to Reach Every Student, we present to you our Core Priorities and how we go about ensuring that the various needs of our students are being met.

Ontario’s Core Priorities to Reach Every Student

Higher levels of student achievement.

Reduce gaps in student achievement.

Increased public confidence in publicly funded education.

Profectus Academy of Toronto’s Core Priorities to Reach Every Student

Recognize the needs of our individual learners and accommodate to their specific needs.

Present Relevant and Modern Learning environments to engage and ensure success beyond secondary school.

Reduce gaps in student achievement.