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Register NOW for April 6, 2023 - June 16, 2023
DEADLINE to Register is April 15, 2023



What are your additional costs?

There are no additional costs or fees for the courses at Ontario High School. What you pay for are the courses you take.

Do you offer refunds?

Yes, Ontario High School is a Ministry accredited Private High School in Ontario in partnership with Ontario High School of Toronto. Our BSID is: 669743

How do I drop a course?

If a student finds that they are no longer able to remain enrolled in a course 30 days prior to the start date, please send an email to our partner school at listing the course you cannot take and we can get the process started.

How do I register for a course?

To register for a course, select Courses from the main selection bar and then select the grade. Once the courses are filtered by grade, scroll down and select the specific course and click Add to Cart. Once your course is in the cart, you can check it out.

How long does it take to do an online course?

On average, online courses are about 2.5 months. This is half the time it takes to earn a course in day school.

Are the credits recognized by universities and colleges?

Yes – all our courses are recognized by Universities and Colleges. All of our seniors have gone on to prestigious postsecondary institutions to programs of their choice.


What support is available for online high school students?

All students receive 1-1 support with the courses at Ontario High School due to our small class sizes. In addition to this, our teachers are available beyond class times to clarify questions based on request.

How do tests and final exams work?

Many of the assessments at Ontario High School are project-based. This allows students to receive feedback and time to complete. Our exams are completed online as well and the teacher monitors student progress.

What are the benefits of taking high school courses as an adult?

Ontario High School has become a popular online high school for adults. As adults, the learning done in Ontario High School is much more meaningful because the student has a purpose in mind. In many cases, our mature students have a program they need to qualify for and earn extra credits online to meet this requirement.

How do I balance work, family, and other responsibilities while taking high school courses as an adult?

Courses at Ontario High School usually take place on 2 weeknights and one weekend. This allows for plenty of time throughout the week to balance out school commitments. In terms of the time to study and complete coursework, students are provided time in class as well to work.

How do I choose the right secondary school for my child?

The right school for each child will vary depending on their specific learning needs. At Ontario High School we prioritize personalized support, assessments that allow for growth, and courses that are engaging.

What are the long-term benefits of secondary school education in Canada?

Most jobs require an Ontario High School Diploma, and especially if someone is looking to enroll in a professional program (Paralegal, ECE, etc.), a high school diploma is necessary. Furthermore, many important life skills are learned in secondary school such as foundational literacy and numeracy skills.

How much time do students need to spend working on their schooling?

On average, students spend about 30 minutes to an hour each evening reviewing coursework and completing assignments. This time will vary based on each student.

Can I transfer my child to another section or course?

Yes – prior to the start of a course, you can transfer your child to another course.

How are students placed in classes?

On average there are 10 students in a class.

Who will be my teacher?

All our teachers are Ontario Certified Teachers. Teachers will vary based on the course and semester.

Can parents/guardians communicate with the teacher?

Yes – parents and guardians are encouraged to communicate with the teacher. All teachers send an email to parents at the beginning of the semester as an introduction. This opens a door to communication.

What is the procedure for writing the final exams?

Final exams are completed online where teachers monitor student work to avoid academic dishonesty.


Are online high school diplomas recognized by employers and colleges?

Yes – online Ontario high school diplomas are like any other diploma as long as they are High School credit courses in Ontario from a ministry-inspected high school.

Is it possible to transfer credits from my previous high school to an online program?

We do this quite a bit – the student needs to have their OSR (Ontario Student Records) or the equivalent to that sent to Ontario High School and our office will manage the rest.


What kind of curriculum is offered in online summer tutoring programs?

All of our tutoring programs follow the Ontario Curriculum. When you enroll in a program, you can be reassured that the work completed will be focused on helping each student reach the Ontario Curriculum expectations for their grade.

Will I get the same teacher every time?

Yes, our goal is to pair students up with a consistent teacher so the learning can continue from class to class without disruption. It is important for our teachers to build a strong relationship with their students and understand their studentā€™s needs.

What training and experience do your teachers have?

All our teachers are Ontario Certified Teachers who have attended and completed Teacherā€™s College. This is the highest form of teacher training in Ontario.

Do you provide an assessment?

When enrolling in the tutoring program, we set our students up with a free assessment to allow us to better understand their learning needs and ensure student success.

How can parents and students find the right online summer tutoring program for their needs?

Every studentā€™s needs vary and so the right program will change with this. The best way to find the right program is to review its priorities. Our priorities are: personalized learning, focus on school support, and ongoing parent communication.

Are you flexible with tutoring days and times?

All our programs have multiple time and day slots to choose from because we know our families are busy with many commitments.


How does distance learning in high school impact college admissions?

There is no negative impact from secondary credit courses online because postsecondary institutions look for final results. As long as the online learning institution is a ministry-inspected Ontario Private High School, the application and acceptance process will not vary from an in-person high school.

What should I do if I keep getting disconnected from the online classroom?

Classes at Ontario High School use Google Classroom and Zoom. If there are any technical challenges, students are asked to post on Google Classroom. The teacher will then see that and can assist the student in rejoining.

How can students stay motivated and engaged in distance learning high school programs?

Our teachers are advised to engage students throughout the class with verbal prompts, interactive activities, and one-to-one support. We also focus on getting to know our students so we can find ways to re-engage them if we notice they are getting distracted.


What supporting documents do I need for registration?

Students who enroll in a course to get high school credits that require prerequisites, need to submit proof of the prerequisite. This can be in the form of a report card or transcript.

Can I get a receipt for the payments?

Once students check out from the website and enroll in a course, they will receive an automatic receipt.

What happens after I register?

Right after students register for a course, they will receive a welcome email with the next steps outlined. These steps involve getting set up with a google classroom and clarifying the start date.