MAP4C Foundations for College Mathematics – GRADE 11
PREREQUISITE : Foundations for College Mathematics, Grade 11, College Preparation, or Functions and Applications, Grade 11, University/College Preparation.
GRADE : 12 (College)
MAP4C online at Profectus enables students to broaden their understanding of real-world applications of mathematics. Students will analyse data using statistical methods; solve problems involving applications of geometry and trigonometry; solve financial problems connected with annuities, budgets, and renting or owning accommodation; simplify expressions; and solve equations. In MAP4C online, students will reason mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-step problems. This course prepares students for college programs in areas such as business, health sciences, and human services, and for certain skilled trades.
UNIT 1 :
Mathematical Models (22hrs)
Students will be able to:
Evaluate powers with rational exponents, simplify algebraic expressions involving exponents, and solve problems involving exponential equations graphically and using common bases.
Describe trends based on the interpretation of graphs, compare graphs using initial conditions and rates of change, and solve problems by modelling relationships graphically and algebraically.
Make connections between formulas and linear, quadratic, and exponential relations, solve problems using formulas arising from real-world applications, and describe applications of mathematical modelling in various occupations
UNIT 2 :
Personal Finance (22hrs)
Students will be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of annuities, including mortgages, and solve related problems using technology.
Gather, interpret, and compare information about owning or renting accommodation, and solve problems involving the associated costs.
Design, justify, and adjust budgets for individuals and families described in case studies, and describe applications of the mathematics of personal finance
UNIT 3 :
Geometry and Trigonometry (22hrs)
Students will be able to:
Solve problems involving measurement and geometry and arising from real-world applications.
Explain the significance of optimal dimensions in real-world applications, and determine optimal dimensions of two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures.
Solve problems using primary trigonometric ratios of acute and obtuse angles, the sine law, and the cosine law, including problems arising from real-world applications, and describe applications of trigonometry in various occupations.
UNIT 4 :
Data Management (22hrs)
Students will be able to:
Collect, analyse, and summarize two-variable data using a variety of tools and strategies, and interpret and draw conclusions from the data.
Demonstrate an understanding of the applications of data management used by the media and the advertising industry and in various occupations.
Course Culmination (27.5hrs)
The Culminating Unit incorporates all four strands of the Mathematics Curriculum, and covers the four achievement chart categories. It consists of two parts:
Culminating Project worth 15% and a
Final Exam worth 15%
Online Course Policies
Listed below are various mandatory policies as you take on this course.
Attendance is regularly tracked through student contributions to online discussion boards, assignment completion, and learning logs. Failure to complete allocated activities may challenge the student’s ability to attain the credit.
This course will be presented using an asynchronistic model whereby work will be posted on the Google Classroom and it is the student’s responsibility to complete it on their own time.
ALL portions of this course are intended to be learned and completed online.
Final Exams and Tests will be written on site at Profectus Academy of Toronto. Course instructors will relay this information to students and families.
The integrity of student work will be checked on an ongoing basis using Quetext or Turnitin. Plagiarism is not tolerated.
Assessment & Evaluation Policies
The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. The Achievement Chart for Mathematics will guide all assessment and evaluation.
Knowledge and Understanding
The final grade will be determined as follows:
70% based on Assessment OF Learning (including conversations, observations and products) conducted throughout the course.
30% based on Culminating Tasks administered at or towards the end of the course.
Assessment and evaluation is divided into two important parts. The grade the student receives on a midterm or final report indicates achievement/ proficiency in Curriculum Expectations. A level of competence (Needs Improvement, Satisfactory, Good or Excellent) will be assessed and reported in the area of Learning Skills and Work Habits: Independent Work, Collaboration, Responsibility, Initiative, Self-Regulation, and Organization.